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Pre-Employment Transition Services


As students come closer to graduation and look ahead to the future, many ask themselves, "What is next for me?" CDD NCA is proud to offer a Transition Preparation Course for students with disabilities to help them prepare for the next chapter of their lives. We are dedicated to providing the unique individuals we serve with the opportunities in which they can develop the skills they need in order to improve their quality of life and be productive, contributing members of their community.

Pre-ET Services

Workplace Readiness Training

Smart Work



Workplace Readiness Training: 


Addresses skillsets necessary for employment. Topics may include accessing public transportation, community safety, financial literacy, work interactions, personal appearance, and hygiene.




Students are instructed on how to self-advocate for their rights in order to promote person-centered planning and encourage self-determination in setting their goals. Information is also provided on advocacy organizations. Instructions may include peer monitoring. 


Smart Workplace Ethics:


Curriculum developed to create an understand of workplace ethics. Sometimes referred to as necessary skills, soft skills, or essential skills, From making a good first impression, to knowing interpersonal skills required, students need to be aware of what employers are looking for, look at, and measure when they hire and promote employees.  

Our Instructor 


Lexie Romine is CDD's instructor for the Pre-Employment Transition Services. She has a variety of experience working with students from Kindergarten through 12th grade. She received her Bachelor of Science in Education from Athens State University and completed relevant coursework in Educational Technology.

She additionally received her Master of Arts in Education from the University of North Alabama in Collaborative (K-6) Education and completed relevant coursework in 6-12/transition education.

More Information


For more information about the courses offered, contact Lexie Romine by email at, or by phone at 256.350.1458.

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